
Natural Systems Enhancement & Stewardship

The Natural System Enhancement & Stewardship Department (NSES) builds and strengthens partnerships to enhance the benefits that natural resources provide to the community.

Service Levels

Service Levels




Native plants planted by Tree for All partners
FY 2022
Number of Tree for All partners
FY 2022
Volunteers at community restoration events
FY 2022
Acres of farmland enrolled in co-sponsor incentive programs
FY 2022
Volume of water enhancing Tualatin River flow through water resource agreements
FY 2022
Total thermal load reduction to Tualatin River from streamside reforesting
FY 2022

Effectiveness & Efficiency Measures

Effectiveness & Efficiency Measures




Vegetation management project service level budget guidelines
FY 2022
Projects monitored and measured annually per monitoring protocol
FY 2022
Enhancement projects meeting ecological function targets
FY 2022
Stream miles enhanced
FY 2022
Agricultural lands enrolled in water quality management programs
FY 2022

Contact Peter Dolejs at [email protected]